Monday, October 22, 2012


ABS Function:
ABS returns the absolute value. The output is positive even if the input is negative:
  ABS(x) = x if x>=0
 ABS(x) = -x if x<0 data-blogger-escaped-pre="pre">    ABS can be useful for testing values that are "close". For example   this query shows each country that has area that is roughly   70 thousand. The value 70000 is the target value, 500 is the "tolerance"   so the test ABS(area-70000)<500 data-blogger-escaped-69500="69500" data-blogger-escaped-70000-500="70000-500" data-blogger-escaped-70000="70000" data-blogger-escaped-and="and" data-blogger-escaped-area="area" data-blogger-escaped-between="between" data-blogger-escaped-br="br" data-blogger-escaped-is="is" data-blogger-escaped-tests="tests" data-blogger-escaped-that="that" data-blogger-escaped-the="the">
SELECT name, area FROM bbc
 WHERE ABS(area-70000)<500 data-blogger-escaped-br="br">Result:
name area
Georgia 69700
Ireland 70182


CASE allows you to return different values under different conditions.
If there no conditions match (and there is not ELSE) then NULL is returned.
  CASE WHEN condition1 THEN value1
      WHEN condition2 THEN value2 
      ELSE def_value

SELECT name, population
     ,CASE WHEN population<1000000 data-blogger-escaped-br="br" data-blogger-escaped-small="small" data-blogger-escaped-then="then">           WHEN population<10000000 data-blogger-escaped-br="br" data-blogger-escaped-medium="medium" data-blogger-escaped-then="then">           ELSE 'large'
AS result

 FROM bbc where population like '3%' order by population asc ;

this query will list name, population and the result of CASE. It will consider only population
starting with number 3 and will order the results by ascending order of population.

name population result
Monaco 32000 small
Liechtenstein 34000 small
Bahamas 321000 small
The Maldives 338000 small
Brunei 374000 small
Malta 397000 small
Armenia 3000000 medium


Wednesday, October 3, 2007


3a. Show the games and color of the medal won by the team that includes 'Yan Sen'.
=> select games, color from ttmdjoin team on = team.idwhere name = 'yan sen'

3b. Show the 'gold' medal winners in 2004.
=> select name from ttmd join team on = where color = 'gold' and games = '2004'

3c. Show the name of each medal winner country 'FRA'.
=> select all name from ttmdjoin team on = team.idwhere country='FRA'


2a. Show who won medals in the 'Barcelona' games
SELECT who FROM ttws
JOIN games ON (
WHERE city = 'Barcelona'

2b. Show which city 'Jing Chen' won medals. Show the city and the medal color.
select city, color from
ttws join games on = games.yr
where who = 'jing chen'

2c. Show who won the gold medal and the city.
select who,city from
ttws join games on = games.yr
where color = 'gold'


1a. Show the athelete (who) and the country name for medal winners in 2000.
SELECT who, FROM ttms JOIN country ON ( WHERE games = 2000

1b. Show the who and the color of the medal for the medal winners from 'Sweden'.
SELECT who,color from ttms join country on = country.idwhere name = 'sweden'

1c. Show the years in which 'China' won a 'gold' medal.
select games,country from ttms join country on = country.idwhere name = 'china' andcolor = 'gold'order by games desc

Thursday, September 13, 2007


1a. List each country name where the population is larger than 'Russia'.
SELECT name FROM bbc WHERE population> (SELECT population FROM bbc WHERE name='Russia')

1b. List the name and region of countries in the regions containing 'India', 'Iran'.
select name ,region from bbc where region in (SELECT region from bbc where name in ('India','Iran'))

1c. Show the European countries with a per capita GDP greater than 'United Kingdom'.
select name from bbc where region = (select region from bbc where name = 'United Kingdom') and gdp/population > (Select gdp/population from bbc where name = 'United Kingdom')

1d. Which country has a population that is more than Canada but less than Algeria?
select name from bbc where population > (Select population from bbc where name = 'canada') and population <(select population from bbc where name = 'algeria')

2a. Which countries have a GDP greater than any European country? [Give the name only.]
select name from bbc where gdp> (select max(gdp) from bbc where region = 'europe')

3a. Find the largest country in each region:
SELECT region, name, population FROM bbc x
WHERE population >= ALL
(SELECT population FROM bbc y
WHERE y.region=x.region
AND population>0)

Friday, September 7, 2007

BBC Country Profile: Aggregate functions

1a. Show the total population of the world.
Select sum(population) from bbc;

1b. List all the regions - just once each.
Select distinct(region) from bbc;

1c. Give the total GDP of Africa
Select sum(gdp) from bbc
where region = 'Africa';

1d. How many countries have an area of at least 1000000
select count(region) from bbc where area >= 1000000;

1e. What is the total population of ('France','Germany','Spain')
select sum(population) from bbc
where name in('France','Germany','Spain');


In a GROUP BY statement only distinct values are shown for the column in the GROUP BY.
This example shows the continents hosting the Olympics with the count of the number of games held.

SELECT continent, COUNT(yr) FROM games
GROUP BY continent;